The athletic department has made some significant changes these last several years and has seen growth in our numbers and competitiveness across all sports. It has been amazing to see God’s work in our student athletes, coaches and community. In 2022-2023, half of our athletic teams experienced the MSHSL state tournament, an individual state championship and multiple All State Athletes. The overall growth of Legacy has also helped us grow in numbers to the point where we are adding levels in our high school and middle school teams and even were able to bring back softball to Legacy. These changes have brought us to the point where several of our teams have moved to the AA level and we can strategically find the best fit in conference for our student athletes. This email is meant to share the strategic initiatives that are happening in the athletic department.

Every two years the MSHSL uses enrollment numbers to realign section placement. Legacy has been in Class A for all of our athletics for the last several years. With last year’s realignment, our school enrollment has moved our volleyball, boys and girls basketball and girls golf team to AA. Our teams have known that this change was likely and have been making changes in our season schedules to prepare us for the change that was to come. All of these teams have been playing some of the best AA teams in Metro and across the state in order to experience the competition of AA. We are confident in each of these team’s abilities to continue the success they have experienced at the AA level. This was evident during volleyball’s first season as a AA team where they fought hard and made it to the 5AA Section Semifinals. The team eventually lost to the 5AA Champion, Annandale, losing 23-25, 24-26, 23-25. We also are making changes to other teams schedules knowing that baseball, softball and boys golf will likely move to AA in the next section realignment in 2025. Our most significant review is finding the conference that is the best fit for our athletic teams.

Legacy has participated in the Minnesota Classic Athletic Association the last five years with our member schools. The MCAA was formed after many of the Minnesota Christian Athletic Association Schools left the conference to form the Skyline Conference. The Skyline is made up of many of the larger Christian, college prep and classical schools in the metro. A majority of the Skyline schools are in AA and have been very competitive in their sections. After a long process and much prayer, Legacy is excited to share that we have been accepted into the Skyline Conference for the 2025-2026 season. The Skyline Conference is made up of nine other schools including New Life Academy, Concordia Academy, Trinity School at River Ridge, St. Croix Lutheran, St. Croix Preparatory Academy, Nova Classical Academy, Cristo Rey Jesuit, St. Agnes and Maranatha Christian Academy.

We are thrilled to join a conference with so many mission-aligned schools and believe this will be the best fit for the road God has in store for our programs. Please join us in prayer as our athletic department continues to seek the Lord’s will in our next steps as a department and to shine the mission of Legacy Christian Academy in our respective arenas.

If you missed the Gala this year, you missed the premier performance of Vanilla Nice.  We’ve had many inquiries on where and when his next performance will be and we want to make sure YOU get the opportunity to hear from this talented entertainer.

To date, the monies raised for the Gala total $125,000. That brings our Annual Fund to $310,00. Our goal for this year is $340,000.
Thank you for supporting Legacy!


If you were unable to join us at the Gala, would you consider making a gift and helping us meet our goal this year? Your gift is an investment in our students’ education and supports this current year’s operations including academic programming, athletics, scholarship aid, and faculty development.

Make a Donation


Our last fundraising event of the year is The Scramble For Students. Gather your foursome and join the fun on Monday, June 11, 2018 at The Links at Northfork, in Ramsey.

Register Here

We celebrated all that God has done and is doing through Legacy Christian Academy at the 2016 Celebrate Legacy Gala! What a wonderful night it was! Thank you to all of you who helped make the event a success. Thanks to your generosity, we raised $107,000 towards the Annual Fund! #LCARoars

To make a donation to LCA, go to

“Favorite Things” video from the evening.

Dan Olufson’s testimonial video from the evening.


Gala-StudentsGala-MarblesGala-Legacy Lingo