From an early morning bus ride on Monday, October 25th to our return on Wednesday afternoon, October 27th, our 5th and 6th grade students became scholars of God’s great creation.  Highlights of our trip included archery, ax throwing, orienteering to assist us in Charlie to Base, rock climbing, community building activities, learning about and field testing wind and solar energy, and a final campfire singing “The Doxology.”  There were epic fails and epic breakthroughs with all participants encouraging and celebrating the process of taking risks.

Parents were integral contributors to the success everyone experienced.

From Charlie to Base we learned that God our Father is there for us in our troubles, we just need to radio in!  From our rock climbing we experienced the ‘foot push-off’ that a foundation of faith can generate in our upward climb.  From our orienteering, the use of our compass reminded us to keep calibrated towards Jesus and the awesome Plan He has for our lives!

We are so thankful to Principal Nydam for bringing this opportunity to Legacy Christian Academy ten years ago.  As one parent so eloquently shares, we could experience and enjoy God’s creation while encountering community building, yielding patience and respect.  This trip engaged our LCA community to complete challenges and build confidence.

We return to school tired from all the fun and adventure with a new outlook on being attentive listeners and active participants in achieving success.  Every student can give glory to God for equipping them with perseverance and cooperation.

Mrs. Joleen Kubiszewski

Deep Portage Learning Center