J. Demars ’19 took home top honors in this 3rd quarter 3D bridge building competition! During fourth quarter all students will be reworking their designs for another chance at the top spot!

Legacy high school science teacher, Mr. Coleman, instructed students on the use of our new TinkerCad and 3D printer. Students created bridges and tested their effectiveness by adding weight to the breaking point. Students were scored based on the load to bridge weight ratio. Here’s a peek into their classroom during testing!


3D Bridge Competition Winner – J. Demars ’19

February is our month to celebrate the gift of reading and to challenge students (and parents) to read above and beyond their normal reading amounts. This year, the K-4th students were challenged to collectively read 80,000 minutes during the month of February. If successful, Mr. Nydam and Mr. Mulvihill agreed to spend the night camping out on the roof of the school.

Guess what? THEY MADE IT!

The students reached the goal and blew past it, accumulating 101,207 minutes of reading! That’s equal to:
1686 Hours
70 Days
10 Weeks
2 1/2 Months

To honor this accomplishment, here is the plan for the roof-top camping celebration, TONIGHT, February, 28th:


The first live stream from Legacy’s YouTube channel (Legacy_MN) will be around 1:00pm as Mr. Nydam and Mr. Mulvihill set up the tent to get ready for the evening. Subscribe to get notifications and use YouTube’s Live Chat during the event.

7:00PM LIVE STREAM of event begins

Throughout the evening we hope to be engaged with our school community through the LIVE STREAM and IN-PERSON. For those wanting to brave the cold, there will be a bell set out for you to ring to get their attention. They’ll pop out of their tent at the chime of the bell and lower bucket for you to send up notes or fun items to keep them entertained, hydrated, warm etc!

7:10PM – Mr. Nydam vs Mr. Mulvihill in Bean Boozled

7:30PM – Dad Jokes contest

7:45PM – Marshmallow Game

8:00PM – Various games

8:30PM – Family Devotional

9:00PM – Sign off for the night


Friday, March 1st – The Fun Continues…

7:00AM – 7:40AM – Mr. Nydam and Mr. Mulvihill welcome students to school from the roof

11:30AM – 12:30PM – 5th Grade Wax Museum in the Sports Center Lobby

12:30PM –  Guest Author

1:00PM – 2:10PM – Elementary Reading Fair

The K-4th grade students will have their reading book fair projects on display in their classrooms as a culmination of Reading Month.


January 2019 marked the 3rd Winterim experience at LCA. With courses that have become student favorites, like Woodworking at the Ruff’s, to new and exciting experiences like Guerilla Video production with Ken Jones, Legacy high school students make the most of their transition back into the classroom after Christmas break!

A week of exploratory learning for our 9th-12th grade students, Winterim is also an opportunity for our teachers to share their passions with their students. Teachers and professionals in the community present classes that highlight topics in which they are experts, but don’t always fit in the classroom, including gangster history, self-defense, and whole foods cooking. The highlight for students and teachers is that Winterim provides a setting that promotes relationship development and mentorship.

We hope you enjoy these moments captured throughout the week!


We are most like Jesus when we serve like Jesus. The holiday season is a special time to serve and shine the light of Jesus. We know our students are serving in many ways big and small this Christmas, but we are especially excited to share the kindergarten tradition of supporting a Haitian child for one calendar year.

The goal was $420 ($35 a month) to support young Wilguens (Will). The class began their challenge with a commitment to praying for Will and writing letters to him. The kinders were so excited each day to bring in their financial gifts that they earned through extra chores, talking to family and friends about donating, and giving of their own savings.

It’s with great excitement that we share with you that they exceeded their goal! Together, Legacy’s two kindergarten classes raised $731.  With that total, they will be able to support Will for a total of 21 months – almost two whole years!

A big thank you to all the students, parents, and grandparents that donated to our Christmas Caring Project. Our students are becoming the hands and feet of Jesus and witnessing what God has done through them for Wilguens. A true Christmas blessing.

Wednesday was such a special day for our Kindergartners. The excitement was high as the students entered the classroom in great anticipation of our singing adventure at Farmstead Senior Care Center. God blessed us with a beautiful day and we walked to the Farmstead together. Once there, the students sang Christmas songs and recited Bible verses and Christmas poems for the residents.

The looks on the seniors’ faces were priceless. They absolutely loved hearing from the LCA kindergarten classes. The students sang songs and then passed out cards that said, “Jesus is Born!” with smiles and good wishes.

Mrs. Beyers’ mom, who lives at the Farmstead, enjoyed a big hug from many of our kinders.

Thank you to the parents who brought in our treats and helped us as chaperones!  It was such a special morning!

Merry Christmas!

Fall was filled with wonderful opportunities for students to express themselves and discover new things. These outstanding October moments were memorable.

Third Graders Save Fred

The third grade students were tasked with saving Fred the Gummy Worm by getting him into his life jacket and on top of his boat without using their hands. Their tools were a few paper clips. They did great and had a lot of fun!

Applying Math

Ms. Thorson has found a way to teach math that gets our MS students excited to do more. This project of re-recreating a candy wrapper to scale is a top request in her classroom.

Harvest Bowl

The staff team of “Past Our Primetime” was successful in being named Harvest Bowl 2018 Champions, but we’re not sure if they really won! Days later the limp in their step was still evident, but ask any of them and they’ll tell you it was worth it!

College Tours

On Tuesday, October 30 our juniors and seniors spent the day touring colleges. The juniors visited the U of MN, Twin Cities campus and the University of Northwestern. They heard presentations about both colleges and toured each campus. They were able to compare a large public university with a small Christian one. The seniors visited Anoka Technical College and the University of Northwestern. They learned about two year degrees at ATC and heard from UNW staff about how to be successful in college by using your resources, getting involved and pursuing your passions.

The first 6 weeks of the school year have been jam packed with learning across all grades and platforms. Here are just a few September Standouts we’d love to share!

Remembering 9/11

In 6th Grade, MCCS/LCA alumni Mr. Hanson offered to come in and speak about what it felt like to be a 6th grade student on the day 9/11 happened. He did an amazing job talking to the students and they responded with many questions!  Students were heard saying “That was amazing!” 

“17 years ago today … my students were not born, but the day is forever etched in my mind. In school, we never learned about the Cold War because my teachers had lived it; I am committed to remember, share, and explain this day so that my students know the history we have lived. I am constantly amazed by their curiosity and their ability to understand the significance of this day. (The post-it notes are some of their responses to the sentence starter “17 years ago today …)” #neverforget #ilovemystudents Ms. Thorson

“I teach about so many different days in History but none are as important as 9-11-01. I’m committed to being sure that my students understand not just the tragedy but also the hope we all have in Christ. God wastes nothing.” Ms. Biermeier

Spanish Verbs … learning in motion


Big Buddy Wednesday

We also enjoyed our very first Big Buddy day of the year! Big Buddies is a unique program that allows students in PreK-5th grade to enjoy a mentoring relationship with a student in grades 7-12. All of our students look forward to Big Buddy which happens once a month!

National Merit Commended Scholar K. Musgrove ’19

Musgrove is one of 34,000 students (out of 1.6 million) to receive the honor of being a Commended Student in the National Merit Scholarship competition. Students qualify based on PSAT scores. We are so proud of his academic achievement!

Building Readers … a foundation of Kindergarten

Kindergarteners are learning about how “readers” become good at reading by practice …. lots of practice!  They started by learning that there are 3 ways to read a book:

1.  Read the pictures

2.  Read the words

3.  Re-tell the story (if it is a familiar one you know)

As a class, we practiced doing these three things.  This is an important step because, at this point in learning, we can’t read all the words yet!  We need to have strategies to enjoy the book, even though we don’t know the words yet.

Next we had a lot of fun “shopping for books.”  These are books (of our own selection) that are added to our book box each week. Each child has a selection of “leveled books” that he/she can read at his/her own level.  These additional books that they “shop for” are books of their own choosing … fun read-alouds from our class library.

Lastly, everyone practiced our skills of “Reading to Self.”  We spread out around the room and practiced reading one of the three ways.

See You At the Pole

Finally, the month ended with the student body joining together in prayer for our nation on Wednesday, September 27.



Legacy 5th grade students would like to thank all of the Legacy community that joined them at Pizza Ranch of Andover this past Monday (9/17/18).

It was a great experience learning the “Pizza Ranch way” of serving guests. Nine students worked hard and earned $1,267.00 towards their trip to Deep Portage next month.

Deep Portage is a 3-day/2-night environmental learning camp experience each fall that has become the highlight of the 5th grade school year. To learn more about this experience visit Mrs. Albinson’s Class Facebook Page.

Thank you again to our Legacy family!

The Legacy Class of 2018 graduated 35 seniors on Friday, May 18.

We want to wish each one congratulations on their achievements while at Legacy, and pray that they will be strong Christian leaders as they go on to college and the workforce. Once a Lion, Always a Lion – Blessings!


Mr. Rudzitis got a little surprise at chapel this morning! He was awarded $4,230 from CenturyLink to outfit the Music & Technology Class. Mr. Rudzitis hopes that this grant will give our students the opportunity to enhance their music creations!

When asked to describe how he would use the grant Mr. Rudzitis said, “Recently, I have seen a real need to create and expand opportunities for students that are not as interested in traditional classroom music experiences such as Band, Choir, or Orchestra. These students have amazing abilities and talents and can benefit greatly by expressing themselves using technology. These students may or may not even play an instrument, but many have the natural ability to use technology to create music.”

“I want to integrate the technology into a new class, Tech in Music, that I have created along with the administration. Students have traditionally used software like GarageBand to develop and write loops using stock sounds and computer keyboards for instruments. My desire is to bring in items that studios use such as microphones, audio mixers, studio monitors, amps and electronic instruments, and midi interfaces that will allow students to be musically creative and innovative using technology.”

“I chose these technologies because they can be great resources for collaboration and integration into other classes and projects. Rather than using stock clips and tracks, students will be able to compose, record, and publish their own musical compositions.”

Congratulations, Mr. Rudzitis!