Despite an unusual Spring, awards have still been earned and presented! We are thrilled to share these student accomplishments!
Each year, the Minnesota Music Educators Association accepts auditions from students in high school bands,
choir, and orchestras for an All-State spot in March. Judges listen to the students, evaluating them on their overall musicianship and technique. In mid-April, the MMEA All-State Committee chooses the final rosters. This year, Junior, Taaron auditioned and was accepted into the All-State Choir Men’s Group in Minnesota. These are the best singers in MN with close to 700 auditions. He will be performing with the MMEA All-State Choir during the MMEA Convention in February, 2021! Congratulations Taaron!
In addition, Seniors Jeremy and Finn were also recognized with major awards given each year to Band Students throughout the country.

First, the John Philip Sousa Award is given to the student recognized for overall superior musicianship and dedication to Band. It is the highest honor for a high school band student. Jeremy, is this year’s John Philip Sousa Award recipient.
Finally, the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award is given to the student who exhibits superior dedication, musicianship and creativity in Jazz music.
Finn is this year’s Louis Armstrong Jazz Award recipient!
Congratulations gentlemen on these high honors and thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with the community.
An annual tradition, here’s what some of our Senior Band/Choir students had to share about this years tour to Michigan.
“Band and Choir tour this year was an experience to remember. Though it was just a shorter trip this year, there were memories that will last a lifetime. It was great getting to perform for another Christian school where we were able to inspire many of the younger kids who are also current fine arts student. The biggest impact of the band and choir tour thought was being able to mentor the younger kids to show them how to lead with integrity and accountability in future years. Being able to watch as us seniors have grown and being able to be part of the process of seeing the underclassmen grow in their faith and in themselves in general is a true blessing that leaves the biggest mark from the seniors.” – Senior Student
“The band tour is for both influencing and impacting others that we visit and for bonding as a band and choir. We traveled up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We performed Thursday for Crooked Lake elementary and Friday for Valley Christian School. Friday night we also got to have a senior night and bond as a group with seniors doing worship and giving advice. On Saturday we got to spend the entire day skiing and bonding together.” – Senior Student
Middle School students have had some exciting opportunities in the Fine Arts this winter.
In November, Daniel K was chosen to be a part of the 7-8th grade Honor Choir sponsored by American Choral Directors Association of Minnesota (ACDA-MN). Students from all over the state of MN Auditioned and were chosen to be a part of this 135+ voice choir. 
Then students, Rachel S, Abigail H, and Sophia M, were nominated to the 6th-8th Central MN Band Director’s Association (CMBDA) Honor’s Band. They performed with 100 other metro students that were honored for their talent and commitment. The girls rehearsed all day at Elk River High School in preparation for the afternoon concert.
“It was a long day, but a lot of fun playing with other students that were serious about their music”, said Sophia. 
“We performed all five pieces and worked very hard in rehearsal until we got it”, said Abigail.
Congratulations to these musicians for their accomplishment!
Spring at Legacy has been filled with the sounds of beautiful music!
April 11th was slotted as the start of of the spring concert season for us here at Legacy, however mother nature had other plans. Inclement weather forced us to postpone our 5th and 6th grade program to the following afternoon, Friday April 12th. The situation called for creativity and we made a decision to share the concert on Facebook & YouTube for parents that couldn’t get the time off of work.
This performance was followed by the PreK-4th grade spring program on April 25th, the 7th-12th grade band concert on May 2nd and finally the 7th-12th grade choir concert on May 9th. Watching the progression of musicianship from PreK-12 is a special gift at Legacy. Music Directors Mrs. Gerber and Mr. Rudzitis do an amazing job of building confidence through duets and solos all the way through. We hope you enjoyed a performance or two!