FACTS Family Portal
Getting Started!
Welcome to using the FACTS Family Portal and the Legacy app!
Please email Felicia Enns (or ext. 256) for assistance with your FACTS Family account at any time.
Log into your FACTS Family Portal to get started or create a FACTS Family Portal if you share responsibility for a student and are not currently linked to their account. Legacy’s district code is lc-mn.
FACTS Family Portal
Get The App!
The Legacy app gives you mobile access to the things that matter most! How are my student’s grades looking? What’s my student’s schedule? What’s the lunch menu? What’s on the Legacy calendar for today? Report suspicious on-campus behavior (CHIRP-360) and much more. The app is available for mac and Android devices. The app and its features are continually evolving!
Get the App!
Get it on Google Play or Apple Store!

Legacy Family Directory
The Legacy Family Directory is a wonderful way to help parents, students, and staff be connected. You control the information that displays by updating the Family Demographic Web Form in your FACTS Family Portal.
Parents may follow the steps below to edit Family Directory Information:
- Visit factsmgt.com and choose “Parent Log In” then “FACTS Family Portal”.
- Log into your FACTS Family Portal with district code LC-MN and your username and password
- Select “School”- then “Web Forms” on the left-hand menu
- Select the “Family Demographics Form”
- Scroll down to “Custodial Parent Form”
- Once in the Custodial Parent Form, scroll down to “Parent Preferences”- you will then be able to select what you would and would not like to appear in the Family Directory. Make sure to save. It is important to note that this step must be done for each parent, or data will still be shown in the directory. Please allow 24-48 hours for updates to occur in the system.
NOTE: If you choose to be completed unlisted and use the “Media Release/Family Directory” web form to let us know, we need 24-48 to manually update your record in the system.
To allow parents & staff to update their preferences this feature will not be available in the portal or the app until October 1.
Gradebook & Student Logins
Parents are able to access student grades in FACTS for students in grades 5-12.
Follow these steps:
- Log in to your FACTS Family Portal
- Select Student. (If you have multiple students, you will have to select one at a time to view their individual grades.)
- Select Grades.
- Select a class from the drop-down menu to view entered grades.
This is also accessible on the app.
We’ve made some changes to the lunch order process for the 2022-23 school year
- No more pre-ordering!
- Add Funds to your FACTS Financial PrePay Account. The meals your student actually receives will be billed against your pre-paid balance weekly. A “low balance” alert will automatically be emailed to you when you drop below a $20 balance.
- Log in to FACTS Family Portal. (If you do not have an account see instructions below.)
- When Family Portal displays click Financial, then select Add Funds.
- Choose from a stored account on file or enter a new account.
- The Total Amount is displayed.
- A Payment Confirmation is sent to the email address on file. The customer can add additional email addresses.
- Click Pay $ Now. This page is a printable confirmation of the payment that was submitted.
- Click Proceed to Home to leave the payment screen.
- When Family Portal displays click Student, then select Lunch to see the current menu.
If you share financial responsibility with another person each person will need to have a FACTS Financial account linked to the student(s). This would be the case if a grandparent or other family member would like to take responsibility for ordering and paying for student meals. At this time, parents are not able to update/edit/or add financially responsible parties via their FACTS Family Portal. You will be able to update this information via your student’s re-enrollment packet in January. If your family would like to add another financially responsible party for your student(s), please contact Felicia Enns. Additional financially responsible parties will be added to your student(s) FACTS account, and Family Portal access given so that all financially responsible parties may order and submit payment for meals.